
This survey is entirely optional and any information you give will be treated as strictly confidential. The data collected is for monitoring purposes only and helps us secure future funding.


FemaleMaleNon-binaryOtherPrefer not to say

Is your gender different from the one you were assigned at birth?

YesNoPrefer not to say

2. Age Range


3. Do you consider yourself disabled under the terms of the Equality Act 2010?

The Equality Act defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

YesNoPrefer not to say

4. Religion or Belief

BuddhistJewishNo religionChristianMuslimHinduSikhPrefer not to sayOther

If other please state:

5. Sexual Orientation

BisexualHeterosexualGay manAsexualGay woman / lesbianPrefer not to sayOther

If other please state:

6. Ethnic Group

WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBritishIndianEnglishPakistaniWelshBangladeshiScottishIrishChineseChinese BritishMixedWhite and Black CaribbeanTravellerWhite and Black AfricaGypsyWhite and Black AsianIrish TravellerRomaBlack or Black BritishCaribbeanAfricanOther

If other please state:

7. Are you an:

Self or peer advocateProfessional advocateDo you work in the delivery of a public serviceOther

If other please state:

8. Human rights knowledge

How would you describe your level of knowledge of human rights in the UK?

Before using the tool:


After using the tool:


How relevant do you think human rights are to health and care?

Before using the tool:

Not relevant at allA bit relevant but not convincedRelevant but not sure howRelevant in some areasVery relevant and can identify where

After using the tool:

Not relevant at allA bit relevant but not convincedRelevant but not sure howRelevant in some areasVery relevant and can identify where

Did this tool increase your confidence in using human rights in advocacy?

Before using the tool:

Not confidentNeed lots of supportProbably do with some supportThink I can doAm confident

After using the tool:

Not confidentNeed lots of supportProbably do with some supportThink I can doAm confident

9. Would you recommend this tool to a family member/friend/colleague?


10. How many people to do you think you could support with this tool?

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