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We have three different Community of Practice Groups. We know you may fit into more than one but for now think about the information you are looking for and the conversations you want to have and choose the most relevant to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ People: This group is for individuals, families and carers who interact with public services. It also includes local self-led support groups and networks. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Advocates and Campaigners: This group is for formal advocates (e.g. IMCA, IMHA, etc.), self-advocates, and other community, campaigning and advocacy groups. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Staff: This group is for those working in public services and those working in private, charitable or voluntary bodies delivering public services. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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In order to use our Communities of Practice platform you must agree to our Privacy Policy. Copy and paste this link into your search bar to read our Privacy Policy:
We want these Communities of Practice to practice what they preach. So we are asking all members to agree on our Community of Agreement. This Agreement has human rights at its heart, using the PANEL principles. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participation: In our community, people will be involved in discussions about their rights, or the rights of those they support. This is the purpose of this Communities of Practice platform. When changes are being made to the way the platform works, you will be asked your views. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Accountability: We will all uphold this Community Agreement. If there are concerns around your use of the Communities of Practice platform, you will be held accountable and may be removed from the platform. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Non-Discrimination: Nobody should be treated unfairly because of their age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion. We will treat everyone and their experiences with respect, there will be no use of hate speech or offensive language. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Empowerment: Everyone should understand their rights and be fully supported to take part in developing policy and practices which affect their lives. It is the responsibility of every user to create an environment of respect and empowerment, where each person feels able to share their views and contribute. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legality: Everyone using the platform has agreed to the privacy policy and will uphold this Community Agreement.